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Video Gaming
2025-03-31 18:00:002025-03-31 19:00:00America/ChicagoVideo GamingEvery Monday starting March 10 through May 19 participants in grades 3-12 can stop by for some gaming! Video games and chess games will be available to play!Chicago Ridge Public Library -
Monday, March 31 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2025-03-31 18:00:002025-03-31 19:00:00America/ChicagoVideo GamingEvery Monday starting March 10 through May 19 participants in grades 3-12 can stop by for some gaming! Video games and chess games will be available to play!Chicago Ridge Public Library -
Every Monday starting March 10 through May 19 participants in grades 3-12 can stop by for some gaming! Video games and chess games will be available to play!