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Food Art Mystery
2025-04-08 16:00:002025-04-08 16:30:00America/ChicagoFood Art MysteryEvery Tuesday starting March 11 through May 20 families can join us for a mystery snack program. What will your snack be today? Draw a picture to find out and then eat the snack.Chicago Ridge Public Library - Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 08 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Add to Calendar2025-04-08 16:00:002025-04-08 16:30:00America/ChicagoFood Art MysteryEvery Tuesday starting March 11 through May 20 families can join us for a mystery snack program. What will your snack be today? Draw a picture to find out and then eat the snack.Chicago Ridge Public Library - Meeting Room
Every Tuesday starting March 11 through May 20 families can join us for a mystery snack program. What will your snack be today? Draw a picture to find out and then eat the snack.